Forensics Clues Quiz – Video Quiz

May 10, 2009 by  
Filed under Detective And Logic Puzzles

Presented in a video style format are 5 different crime scene items. Look at the crime scene evidence and determine what the clues tell you.

How many of these crime scene clues can you decipher?


6 Responses to “Forensics Clues Quiz – Video Quiz”

  1. hello on July 17th, 2011 5:44 am

    On five, I thought it would be that he chain smokes, considering the amount of matches used and the amount of buds.

  2. admin on July 17th, 2011 5:59 am

    That’s a good answer as well.

  3. hello on July 17th, 2011 6:01 am

    Thanks! This is a great site by the way.

  4. admin on July 17th, 2011 6:04 am

    Thanks. I am thrilled to hear that you like it!

  5. CC on October 21st, 2011 4:50 pm

    Hmm, I’m not too sure about Question Four. I’m a righty who owns a fedora and I usually use my left hand to remove it.

  6. matt on November 3rd, 2011 6:26 am

    on the last one i was thinking that he preferred rollies to manufactured cigs. Also handedness I think can be overgeneralised, especially for people who are cross-dominant like me.

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